Across the Border
Created by CakeTree Theatre
WINNER of BEST NEW PLAY & BEST NEW DIRECTOR at the Miryang Festival of Performing Arts in South Korea in 2011.
Devised physical comedy inspired by the Jose Saramago novel 'Death at Intervals'. An absurdist exploration of the meaning of love in a world without death presented by an international ensemble made up of artists from Greece, Germany, England and Turkey.
This physical theatre piece follows Death as she visits earth and becomes obsessed with watching an old man going through his daily routines. When the time approaches for that man to die, she will decide to stop death once and for all, at least for the country that she is responsible for. Soon the social services of this unknown country start to collapse and what seemed a euphoric revolution against dying now turns into the realisation that this could turn into an eternal torture. `At the same time Mixing physical theatre, expressionism and comedy, this performance looks at our eternal search for love and immortality in a society that has distorted both.
Devised by CakeTree Theatre / Adapted by Jose Saramago's novel 'Death with Interruptions' / Directed by Alexander Raptotasios and Anne Tysiak / Performed by Oya Bacak, Anne Tysiak, Ruth Williams, Hannah Nichols and Alexander Raptotasios / Designed by Alexander Raptotasios
Presented in 2011 at:
Battersea Arts Centre, London
KIFT, South Korea
Miryang Festival of Performing Arts, South Korea
St. Mary;s University Theatre, Richmond
Nottingham Academy, Nottingham
Woking College, Woking
EtCetera Theatre - Camden Fringe, London
Secret Garden Party, Cambridgeshire